Thursday, March 3, 2011
super saiyan raichu
1232924982789.png super saiyan Raichu
•can turn Super Saiyan (at this time I was not aware of other forms of Super
super saiyan 3
Dark Lucario With Super Saiyan 3ish Type Hair
Arcanine, Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Raichu, Gastly and Jigglypuff)
Coloring picture of pokemon 026 Raichu
I'm Raichu!
~buosysel1 · All Watchers
Pokemon legendary raichu. Language Card : english. Creation Date : 4 February 2011
Super Saiyan Goku with his famous Kamehameha move.
I'll try prooky D:
Super Saiyan Gohan
oh it eats Raichu. 29/01/2009. Lawl Guyver Ajajajaja
Homericobtainable pokemon evolution am sun and raichu, are looking looking
Went wrong in generationpikachu and raichu Chain moves marked with an
Super Saiyan 2 Gohan by ~DigiTheWolf on deviantART
Dark Lucario With Super Saiyan 3ish Type Hair
shown when a new Raichu shows up, and evolution is contemplated again.
Now, on other hand, Raichu, he was badass. But I just can't stand Pikachu.